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Touch-Rich Durable Sturdy & Safe Teepee Tent for Kid Teepee Tent Camping, Teepee. Best Indoor and Outdoor Teepee Tents for Kids and Adults Reviews. PORTABLE & CONVENIENTWith our instruction, you can assemble the tent easily just in five minutes. When you don't need it, you can unscrew the four long rods PORTABLE & CONVENIENTWith our instruction, you can assemble the tent easily just in five minutes. When you don't need it, you can unscrew the four long rodsPORTABLE & CONVENIENTWith our instruction, you can assemble the tent easily just in five minutes. When you don't need it, you can unscrew the four long rods Touch-rich Indoor One Window Teepee Kids Play White Tent House Indian Tepee PORTABLE & CONVENIENTWith our instruction, you can assemble the tent PORTABLE & CONVENIENTWith our instruction, you can assemble the tent easily just in five minutes. When you don't need it, you can unscrew the long rods into Round the square edges and you have a tipi pole – see drawing above. Regardless of the kind of tipi pole you use your finished pole must be smooth to the touch.
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