Stata manual xt














state fixed effects stata
xtreg stata ucla
xtreg vs reg
panel data stata ucla
xtreg stata examplestata fixed effects xtreg
hausman test stata
step by step panel data analysis stata



You must xtset your data before you can use the other xt commands. xtset panelvar declares the data in memory to be a panel in which the order of observations For xtlogit, pa, correlation structures other than exchangeable and independent require that a time variable also be specified. Use xtset; see [XT] xtset. Manual for Stata Release 17. Explore the table of contents and sample entries for this manual. xtdata, Faster specification searches with xt data. xtdata — Faster specification searches with xt data. Description and, when performing the specification search for this manual entry, we used ratio(1).See [XT] xtgee for information on how to fit other population-averaged models. See [R] logistic for a list of related estimation commands. Options for RE model. For xtreg, pa, correlation structures other than exchangeable and independent require that a time variable also be specified. Use xtset; see [XT] xtset. See [XT] xtdata for a faster way to fit fixed- and random-effects models. Quick start estimators and provides many examples using Stata. see [XT] xtset. varlist1 and varlistiv may contain factor variables, except for the fd estimator; see [U] 11.4.3 Factor variables.

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